The Story of Elsa
Original title: Dottern – En berättelse om folkhemmets upplösning
Author: Lena Andersson 
Original publisher: Polaris 2020
Genre: Fiction 

The Daughter is a very typical Lena Andersson novel: intellectually agile, occasionally uncomfortable, always uncompromising. Andersson’s trademark is the ability to see through human excuses and rationalization processes, and her elegy over the decline of the welfare state is entirely characterized by logical inexorability. That makes it rewarding to read. Taken together, Svea’s Son and The Daughter constitute such a discerning and provocative study of the welfare state that I hope they will be read and discussed as widely as [her two previous novels]. 

Rights sold:
Danish rights sold to Politiken
Finnish rights sold to Siltala
Norwegian rights sold to Gyldendal
Swedish rights sold to Polaris
World English rights sold to Other Press